Non Residential Service
Existing Electric Service:
Non-residential accounts include small businesses and large commercial accounts.
The Non-Residential Membership/Service Application and Responsibility Statement provided below must be completed, signed and sent to our office along with the other items on the appropriate business entity checklist. Realty companies will either complete the Non-Residential Membership/Service Application & Responsibility Statement or Realtor Application for Membership/Temporary Service Request & Responsibility Statement based on their business model.
New Construction:
New Service Information (For new construction - location has never had electric service)
Site Plan with meter base location marked if there is no well and septic for this area
Copy of the recorded deed (legal description of the property including Deed Book and Page or instrument number)
Plat (showing property lines)
Completed Application for Membership
Security Deposit:
If found to be necessary, the security deposit amount will be the equivalent of your estimated maximum liability for two consecutive months' usage. If the security deposit exceeds $40, you may request up to three monthly installments. The deposit will be refunded to you one year after the full deposit has been paid if your account is residential, and two years after the full deposit has been paid if your account is commercial; provided you have paid your account in a timely manner. The Cooperative will pay interest on security deposits held longer than ninety days at a rate determined by the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
Disconnecting Service:
If you are requesting service to be disconnected, please contact the member services department with your request. The cooperative will disconnect the service within a reasonable time after receipt of your request. Failure to notify the cooperative of your request to terminate service keeps you responsible for all services until a disconnect notice is received. PGEC will issue you a final bill for services up to the date of disconnection less any outstanding security deposits.
Please keep the cooperative informed of your future addresses to ensure any future Capital Credit refund checks reach you without delay.
Please contact the member services department by telephone at 804-834-2424.